Monday, September 1, 2008

The Wicker Man Remake-2006

I am NOT a fan of remakes. However, I did enjoy this more than the orginal classic horror film, The Wicker Man!! Course I haven't seen that film in awhile, so I will need to review it to be sure. The remake of The Wicker Man is well worth seeing.

I am not a girl that wants a question half answered. Very rarely can I appreciate a film that wants me to use my imagination or fill in the gaps myself. It's not that I don't have a fruitful imagination, because I do. It's just that movie or tv time is the time for me to totally let go, and just enjoy. I want to be entertained, I want everything answered.

Unlike the orginal, this movie does pretty much spell it out for you. Oh, it keeps you in suspense, don't worry. It's a very disturbing movie, and reminded me of a book that I had read about a modern day town that was really populated by Amazon women. You might note the similarity if you see this movie (and now I am going to have to figure out the title of that book LOL.

God lord, just tried to search for this book and can't find it. Woman moves to nice town. At first everything seems fine. Then she notices men are often quite, meek, in wheelchairs, and kept out of sight for the most part. Ceremonies ensue!! Ancient amazon ghosts reside in these modern women. Anyone know the name of the book that I am talking about. It's stepford wives in reverse, and a bit more edgy:)

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