Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Black Christmas Remake-2006

Now the orginal of this movie sticks in my mind as it's probably the first in this category (When A Stranger Calls et al) that first freaked me out. The crank phone calls in the orginal are paricularly disturbing. Not the best movie ever made, but it had some intriguing elements, and I particularly prefer this movie over When A Stranger Calls, as the orginal Black Christmas. The orginal movie left the "origins" and "background" of our resident psycho quite a mystery.

Now I understand how this works, and actually do appreciate it in some movies, and probably including the orginal Black Christmas. As I have mentioned previously though, I like to be "fed" the info when on my entertainment time. I don't like to think too much about it, and get as much of the story as possible. Now the remake of When A Stranger Calls left the mystery intact, and I think that did work in the remake. In fact, I like the remake more than the orginal. I think of the When A Stranger Calls remake as a completely seperate movie really. Better.

The two main things that are different between the orginal Black Christmas and the remake of Black Christmas is 1) we loose much of the creepiness of the "prank" calls (big mistake in my opinion) but 2) we gain a pretty creepy laid out story of the origins of our resident psycho (the story line was creepy and interesting enough to make this work).

I am not going to say this is a must see or anything (to anyone else but me to whom these things are an obsession), but it is an interesting move. As usual, I found the stabbed eyeballs et al the most uninteresting part of the movie, but it is of that genre so I guess you can't leave that out.

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