Note: For movies I like, I now have a category called "Recomend Movies". Any movies not tagged that, are crappy IMH(humble)O. I love Netflix and the amount of movies you can see in a month for little money. Many times these movies are crap. And pretty much, if you can play those movies on your computer, instead of waiting to receive them in the mail, I am learning the craptistics of that being true go up significantly.
These aren't gems, but I do occasionally find gems that make it all worth it, and have learned to pull movies (unless they are providing background noise) out of the DVD if they are truly not worthy.
Here is my crap list for this week. Also, remember the crappier the less I remember about the plot. These aren't real horrid crap, and if things had been done at all a little bit creatively, we might have had something here. They ranged from good but you gave the twist away right at the beginning, sort of interesting but all themes have been done to death and you didn't do any of them very well, and well typical.
Suburban Nightmare: Even darker Mr and Mrs Smith. They are serial killers however, but their marriage is on the rocks. Interesting concept, but in the end same old same old. You got your cannibalism, hostage in the basement, screaming, and various tools of the trade. Could have easily lived with out it.
The Dark Hours pretty much gave it's twist away in the beginning. Unless you aren't terribly observant, you are going to get what is going on right away. Ending reminded me of "Wild Things" except you are thinking "no duh".
Taboo: Think Dangerous Liasons or the related Cruel Intentions. Except this has all been done to death, and this movie is horribly done. Boring, first of all. I wanted them all to die.