Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween Movie 2 Recommended Quills 2000

Quills, released in 2000, is a Gothic story that has a strong sexual tone. In a repressive age, one could not express all their thoughts in public writings. This is unfortunate for a writer, who is obsessed with his preferred subjects and writing, that ends up in an asylum.

Several horrors commence as his writing continues no matter what his tormentors do to him.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Halloween Movie Recommendation 1-Perfume: The Story of A Murderer 2006

Perfume: The Story of A Murderer is gothic and disturbing fun. Dustin Hoffman plays a small role in this film. This is a horror movie that appeals to the serial killer fans and relies on getting across one unusual sense for a movie.

This is not a slasher film or one that relies on blood and gore. The evil or lack of soul in the character will haunt you. This is an orginal story that is unlike other horror movies. If you like a mind tease rather than a quick kill, this is the movie for you.