Friday, August 29, 2008


When I first rented this movie, I think I had a horrible virus or something. I remember enough about it to recall it was good, but knew I had missed some very important pieces of the puzzle. So this weekend, I had rented it again to watch it all over. Course my husband kept coming in and interupting. See he hates horror movies, and must come in and exclaim all the time "how can you watch that?" "do you really like this?". It's so annoying, and after 20 years, you know he knows the answer to all those questions. I digress, but he has a hard time grasping sometimes that though we mesh in all sorts of other ways, our tastes diverge sometimes.

Any way, this is when ghost stories were done right. You know with an actual plot and mystery that made sense in some fashion. A bit of suspense. Any horror/ghost buff is going to love this movie. Especially if you are like me and like to see big beautiful mansions with incredible wood work and such. A mystery that comes to life piece by piece, and makes perfect sense if you are not riddled with a temperature and virus, and stay awake through the whole thing!!

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